752 îòçûâà
· Îáçîð îò  allegro.pl · 14 ìàÿ 2023 ã.
Kupione 4 sztuki, miały zastąpić dołączone do obudowy wentylatory Phanteksa. Niestety nie mają do nich podjazdu. Temp średnio o 10-12 stopni wyższa niż na Phanteksie. Jednak nie zwracam, przydadzą mi się do drugiego pc gdzie nie ma takich temperatur wysokich. Połączenie jednego z drugim , drugiego z trzecim itd jest źle rozwiązane, regulacja pwm działa tylko na 1 wentylatorze, pozostałe działają jak chcą. Zbędny bajer, lepiej dokupić kontroler i sterować wszystkimi jednocześnie. Na niskich obrotach ciche, ale już na 50 % głośniejsze niż Phanteks na 75%. Plastik dobrej jakości, ciężkie jak na wentylatory, jednak drugi raz bym nie kupił na pewno. Poza tym nie nadają się też na AIO, zbyt mały strumień powietrza by dobrze schłodzić radiator. Na maksymalnych obrotach działają jak suszarka a i tak mniej wydajne niż Phanteks na 50%. Temp na procesorze wyższa o 7-8 stopni względem stockowych Navisa.
Bewertung für 140x140x27mm Arctic P14 PWM PST 200-1700 Umin schwarz
Gunnar· Îáçîð îò  mindfactory.de · 2 ôåâðàëÿ 2024 ã.
Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn sehr günstige Lüfter in einer top Qualität. Ich hatte zwar ein paar Bedenken wegen des Preises, doch tun Sie was sie sollen, einen Luftstrom generieren. Angekommen sind sie mit Befestigungsmaterial. Wer kein Wert auf Bling Bling legt, ist mit diesen Lüftern sehr gut bedient. In einen ZNXT H7 Airflow habe 3 in der Front und 1 hinter dem CPU-Kühler. 3 NZXT Lüfter tun ihren Job von oben, das Ergebnis ist sehr gut funktionierender Luftstrom im Gehäuse. Kaufempfehlung!
Tested them they work.
at7772010· Îáçîð îò  ebay.com · 7 àâãóñòà 2022 ã.
Tested all five and they work. Haven't yet installed them for RV fridge. Two fans for intake and two for exhaust. Plus putting three or four GDSTime 80mm fans inside fridge using really small alligator clips and screws. Ought to do the trick. Additionally installing two separate Onyehn fan speed controller switches w/2 amp resettable fuse and ON/OFF, one for the external intake/exhaust fans and another for the internal fin mounted refrigerator fans. Using an L-bracket to mount both of the little fan controllers inside compartment behind fridge near 12V junction block. The L-bracket will be secured down to wooden flooring and speed controllers will stick through the two holes on vertical portion of bracket. All of the fans are high pressure static fans and believing they will work better. Also painted the refrigerator roof mounted vent flat black to keep the exhaust hot and thus moving with gusto, and replaced the broken inside fridge light with Flocovers motion triggered LED lights has internal mounting magnets sticks to metal shelves or supplied 3M metal stick-ons having lithium batteries recharging via USB cord. Came in a 2-pack 12" x 1.75" 59 LEDS and put out plenty of light and only work during evening and night. You can place them in any configuration side-to-side, front toback, on top and below metal shelves or use 3M stick-ons. Make sure to test them in real-world application, before using metal stick-ons. Until you get used to them they may seem finicky. Been using lights for a week now and love them. It's always a surprise when they will and won't turn on. They take a while to charge up the indicator light changes from red to green. They've been going a week and may last at least one month before another charging. Cost ten dollars.
They're Okay, But Can't Beat P12s For Silence
· Îáçîð îò  scan.co.uk · 22 àïðåëÿ 2021 ã.

Bought two of these as intake to help increase airflow from my 120mm P12s, but the P14s only does the same job but louder (when I thought you use 140mm fans so they move more air every revolution, so it can cool at the same level, while spinning less and threrefore making less noise with the lower speeds).


The motors on the two I received seem to get rather audible beyond 20% (490RPM) and becomes annoying (for me at least) beyond 35% (680 RPM) (it starts making like a bwubwubwub noise combined with the sound of a vacuum cleaner being used in the distance).

Where as on the P12s, the 120mm variant, they are completely inaudible to me until 35% (700 RPM), only becomes noticeable until 49% (965RPM) and then only gets noisy after that.

Meaning that if you want to have a quiet setup, for the P14s you are limited to 490RPM at idle and 680RPM at load, and for the P12s you are limited to 700RPM at idle and 965RPM at load. The latter of which has been incredible having a setup of 6 of them, the pc was completely silent at idle and very quiet at high loads.

Now I have yet to test how these two models compare, especially at low, medium, and high speeds, to see whether there is any real trade off for the increased noise in the P14s. Nor whether my airflow-constricted case (280x) plays any role.


Comparing the P14s to the P12s may be a bit harsh since the P12s are magnificent value for the money and high quality, but it is still a shame the P14s don't live up to the performance of the P12s. Also, bear in mind, the two I received may just have low quality motors and so your miles may vary.

If Arctic could make 140mm fans that scale with the same performance as their 120mm fans, then they would dominate the market. Until then, I would recommend the P12s anyday (they are up there with Noctua's fans for performance and low noise) - especially for clean white pc builds - and, potentially, the upcoming all-white Noctua fan line up (though only if your budget has no bounds!).
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