Participate is your all-in-one social learning solution. Empowering community-based learning with Communities of Practice, Professional Learning Communities, ...
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At Participate, we believe that investing in building community means investing in safer, healthier and more equitable communities and societies.
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SCHEDULE EVENTS. Out innovative platform offers simplified scheduling, providing a smooth experience for both organizers and attendees. · SEND NOTIFICATIONS.
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EEOC launched Youth@Work - a national education and outreach campaign to promote equal employment opportunity for America's next generation of workers.
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Oct 15, 2022 · When you show up in a community, you inspire others to do the same and contribute to the whole experience for yourself and for others.
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PartiCipate is cooperating with, so far, 4 open-source platforms for participation. These platforms are: Consul, Adhocracy+, CitizenOS and Ushahidi.
Increasing the participant's knowledge about the policies and strategies developed by the EU. Achieve a better understanding.
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Promoting the understanding of the political rights focussing on migrants. Putting into practice, with greater commitment from all.
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We support people to become involved in meeting people, volunteering, working, participating in available activities in the community, and venturing out to ...
Students can elect various offices annually in the central university elections: StuPa, Equal Opportunity Officers as well as student members of the Senate.