Acıbadem University is a thematic university in field of health which is founded by Acıbadem Health and Education Foundation in 2007.
Address : Strada Alexandru Bernardazzi 59, Chișinău, cod poştal 2009, Moldova. Phone : +373 6 0999 144. E-Mail : ...
People also ask
Who is the owner of acibadem?
What is acibadem in english?
How many hospitals does Acibadem have?
Acıbadem Healthcare is a leading healthcare provider in Turkiye and an attraction for health tourism. We always strive for excellence.
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Acibadem Information Office Tirane. Rruga Abdi Toptani ''Torre Drin Center'' Tirane Shqiperi, 1023, Tirane. +355 69 56 29 686 ; Acibadem Information Office ...
Missing: related:
The Acıbadem Healthcare Group (Turkish: Acıbadem Sağlık Grubu) is a Turkish healthcare institution, operating with 24,842 employees as of 2023.
Acıbadem University Scientific Research Projects Commission evaluates the scientific research and infrastructure development project proposals.
Bilgi Teknolojileri ile ilgili her türlü destek için adresi ve acil durumlar için 0 216 500 44 30 yardım masası telefonu ...
All the procedures related to your diagnosis and treatment, as well as the necessary medications and materials will be covered within Acıbadem premises. If ...
The Acıbadem Healthcare Group is Turkey's most valuable private healthcare organisation according to brand assessment results and the position the group has ...
The group offers a wide range of healthcare services and operates hospitals such as Acibadem Adana, Acibadem Altunizade, Acibadem Atakent, Acibadem Maslak, ...