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"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
... MI 1st in AUTHOR NIMH SAW APPII. llosntitllnn Adoplcil al rntivrntlnn l>l ... congress. Prcfildcnt U I. Morrell, nn- nounccd from the platform that If ... legislative committee, lie declared thai the man who drew the bills wns ...
"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
... in author, prov«rbl.lly one of im.t fickle aril unoaloulable politicians of ... Mi'ei in» u,,,<j,i turtner notes fir-: symptom of a disposition on ... Legislature I "r. .v.ilurday. ,-. JACINTH.— Two gontlamen who i.-i ii.o (' S ...
"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
... Senate" Public Works Committee, but the Senate -group is not the controlling factor this session. For reasons best known to Its cnairman, Republican Congressman Dondero of Michigan, the house public works committee limited its combined ...
"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
... government arcount. 'I he nim-ndmtilit Is to make tuo section raid us ... mi,e<i vahio la aacortaliiPd, provided that in dotormliiiiis the average ... In author- /.e the coinage of ullver into bitu,diml dot- aw." Agreed ...
"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
... Michigan chigan has three: The Au were allowed more leeway in shiftGras ... legislature returned ation may be 'painlessly' increasto provide flood ... inauthor of a rival measure, told remanent manent cludes the business loans ...
"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
BATTLE OVER TAXES LOOMS IN ASSEMBLY Hot Fight in Prospect When Legislature ... mi oi a delicious bit or pationage patronage whlch il had been r" understTMd ... in author- ity a clean sweep might as well be made. This bill is certain ...
"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
... mi-ans that out of a House of 245 there were 181 absentees. "Talk about cutting the size of ihe Provincial Legislature ... in author- Sty these days should be to reduce the cost of government and therefore the burden of taxation. The ...
"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
House Cl Liberal MI Will (rather Next Week In illini-. Hcpbliril ._ , . tO C* ^. Sinclair May Be Deposed Depose In ... in author- ".uuVe "ircle." as Mr. Sinclair's probable successor. Forecasts also focus on the name of Dr. L. J. Simpson, Df ...
"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
... Mi-.l. Tlii 1 IIoii.«a a a bill repealing Ilia Inw '..rl'Mifijl mlllii* oi ... in author! ty. Tho rcso Intion of censuro was nd.ipted -yeas 43, naya ... Legislature on tbo occasion of Thud Stevens' death. The Judiciary Committee ...
"inauthor: Michigan. Legislature", источник:
... senator from Louisiana, spokesman for and authority on Huey Long's political ... Mi Hi' IT h< Ids i-li.t.»ns nov. .ui I thin ,.nd -m- i.\ rven gieatt" than ... legislative and judicial branches of the government of the •-late of ...