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"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
«В первой песне сначала вкратце излагается все содержание: ослушание Человека и потеря вследствие этого Рая, бывшего его жилищем; ...
"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
Feuding in Texas and New Mexico David Johnson. 12. Frederick Nolan, Bad Blood: The Life and Times of the Horrell ... Benedict D. was part of my family and have narrowed him down to three individuals: Thomas L. Horrell (most likely) ...
"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
... in Author of a 1681. From 1701 to his d . , he was superior of the Seminary of Montreal . " Histoire du Canada ... Benedict , DAVID , D.D. , b . Oct. 16 , 1778 . Settled in the ministry in carly life ; pub . , in 1813 , " Gen ...
"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
... In author's possession . Arnold , David , and Ramachandra Guha , eds . 1995. Nature , Culture , Imperialism : Essays on the Environmental History of South Asia . Delhi : Oxford Univ . Press . Appadurai , Arjun . 1986. " Introduction ...
"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
... David Bushnell's Revolutionary Vessel . Yardley , PA : Westholme Publishing , 2010 . Martin , Lain , ed . The ... Benedict Arnold : A Tale of Two Patriots . Washington , D.C .: Regnery Publishing , Inc. , 2006 . Paterson , Bentton ...
"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
... Benedict , Patterns of Culture ( Boston : Houghton Mifflin , 1959 [ 1934 ] ) , p . 40 . 39. Elgin Williams ... David Bidney , " Cultural Relativism , " in International Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences ( New York : Crowell ...
"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
... in . Author of reproduction : H. T. Cox and Sons . Frost & Reed , ltd . , Bristol , Eng .; 28Feb50 ; H2006 . Girl ... Benedict Stuart . [ Por- trait ] After the original painting by Antoine David . Engraved in mezzotint by E. E. ...
"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
... David . 1983. Political Anatomy of the Body : Medical Knowledge in Britain in the Twentieth Century . Cambridge ... Benedict , Ruth . 1934. Patterns of Culture . Houghton Bibliography.
"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
... David Axe, “Navy Hearts Blogs,” April 15, 2008. 29. See, for instance, the excellent The Destroyermen, http ... Benedict, The Lonely Soldier: The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq (Boston: Beacon, 2009), 140. 35. Ibid., 142. 36 ...
"inauthor: David Benedict", источник:
... Benedict Anderson , Imagined Communities : Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism ( London : Verso , 1991 ) . For debates over the difference between metropolitan and colonial governmentality , see David Scott , " Colonial ...