masculin, feminin, neuter, plural. Nominative, øêàëè÷íûé, øêàëè÷íàÿ, øêàëè÷íîå, øêàëè÷íûå. Genitive, øêàëè÷íîãî, øêàëè÷íîé, øêàëè÷íîãî, øêàëè÷íûõ.
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in a way that is typical of a person or thing: She gave a characteristically skilful performance. She was characteristically quiet in the face of all the ...
Missing: øêàëè÷íûé | Show results with:øêàëè÷íûé
What does øèêàðíûé mean? øèêàðíûé (Russian). Adjective. øèêà́ðíûé. chic, smart, splendid, grand, magnificent, stylish (elegant) ...