Bill St. Amour. AN ENGLISH - RUSSIAN MILITARY DICTIONARY legate - пролегат legislate - издавать impr , издать р законы legislation законодательство legislative adj законодательный legitimist - плегитимист legitimization п узаконение ...
... узаконение ; легализация . legally adv . 1 , ( in a legal manner ) законно ; законным путём ; легально . 2 , ( from a legal point of view ) юридически . Legally obligated , юридически or по закону обязанный . Ве legally entitled to ...
... ( узаконение ) registration , legalization ор оформлять , ю impf . of ▻ оформить оформляться , юсь impf . of ▻ оформиться офорт , а т . ( вид гравюры на металле ) etching офтальмолог , а m . ophthalmologist офтальмология , и f ...
A collection of essays concerned with theoretical and empirical analyses of trust and distrust in post-communist Europe which show that, while political and economic changes can have rapid effects, cultural and psychological changes may ...
"This book will be vital reading for students of educational policy, sociology of education and school effectiveness and improvement, as well as educational researchers, academics and policy makers."--BOOK JACKET.
Philosophical Soc. (APS). The essays in this vol., pub. as a companion to an exhib. of the same title & on the occasion of the Franklin Tercentenary of 2006, highlight Dashkova as an accomplished Enlightenment woman.