Bill St. Amour. AN ENGLISH - RUSSIAN MILITARY DICTIONARY legate - пролегат legislate - издавать impr , издать р законы legislation законодательство legislative adj законодательный legitimist - плегитимист legitimization п узаконение ...
... узаконение ; легализация . legally adv . 1 , ( in a legal manner ) законно ; законным путём ; легально . 2 , ( from a legal point of view ) юридически . Legally obligated , юридически or по закону обязанный . Ве legally entitled to ...
... ( узаконение ) registration , legalization ор оформлять , ю impf . of ▻ оформить оформляться , юсь impf . of ▻ оформиться офорт , а т . ( вид гравюры на металле ) etching офтальмолог , а m . ophthalmologist офтальмология , и f ...
A collection of essays concerned with theoretical and empirical analyses of trust and distrust in post-communist Europe which show that, while political and economic changes can have rapid effects, cultural and psychological changes may ...
Philosophical Soc. (APS). The essays in this vol., pub. as a companion to an exhib. of the same title & on the occasion of the Franklin Tercentenary of 2006, highlight Dashkova as an accomplished Enlightenment woman.