Find all translations of óáûëü in English like subsidence, wastage, waste and many others.
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the fact that you no longer have something or have less of something: Many parents feel a sense of loss when their children leave home.
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LOSS definition: 1. the fact that you no longer have something or have less of something: 2. a disadvantage caused…. Learn more.
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(countable) The result of no longer possessing an object, a function, or a characteristic due to external causes or misplacement.
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óáûòîê: loss; óãðûçåíèå: in expression; óäàâ: boa constrictor; óäàâëåíèíà: strangling. Other Russian verbs with the meaning similar to 'diminution':. None found ...
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8 meanings: 1. the act or an instance of losing 2. the disadvantage or deprivation resulting from losing 3. the person, thing,.
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Translation of "óáûòîê" in English. Noun. loss · damage. disadvantage.
1. The act or an instance of losing: nine losses during the football season. 2. a. One that is lost: wrote their flooded house off as a loss.
Similar translations for "èäòè íà óáûëü" in English ; óáûëü noun · waste ; èäòè verb · come ; íà preposition · atop ...
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Loss - âòðàòà, çáèòîê, âòðàòè, âòðàòà (ô³çè÷íà, ìàòåð³àëüíà), ïîòåðÿ. Meanings, synonyms, examples, grammar, syllables, separation and stress, ...