Find all translations of òóáåðêóëåçíèê in English like lunger and many others.
Translation of "òóáåðêóë¸çíèê" in English ... ß ñðàçó ïîíÿë, ÷òî ìîé ïîñåòèòåëü òóáåðêóëåçíèê. I realized right away that my visitor suffered from tuberculosis.
òóáåðêóë¸çíûé • (tuberkuljóznyj) (rare comparative (ïî)òóáåðêóë¸çíåå or (ïî)òóáåðêóë¸çíåé). (relational) tuberculosis.
Îäíèì èç ñåðüåçíûõ çàáîëåâàíèé ñðåäè âñåãî íàñåëåíèÿ ÿâëÿåòñÿ òóáåðêóëåç. Tuberculosis represents a significant health concern for the overall population.
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Find all translations of òóáåðêóëåçíûé in English like consumptive, phthisic, phthisical and many others.
Free online translation from English and other languages into Russian and back. The translator works with words, texts, web pages, and text in photos.
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Òóáåðêóëåç – îäíî èç ñàìûõ ñìåðòåëüíûõ çàáîëåâàíèé. Tuberculosis is one of the world's deadliest diseases. Óñòîé÷èâûé ê ëåêàðñòâåííûì ïðåïàðàòàì òóáåðêóëåç íà ...
òóáåðêóë¸çíèöà • noun, fem. ; 1) person who has tuberculosis (female) ; masculine: òóáåðêóë¸çíèê ; Singular ; N · òóáåðêóë¸çíèöà ...
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Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In most forms of the disease, the bacillus spreads slowly and widely in the ...
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