Translation of "сыновья" in English. Noun. sons children son kids boys · daughters. Show more [...] Suggestions. сыновья и любовники 39. сыновья и дочери
Nov 30, 2021 · Hey! Yesterday, in class, we were discussing the plural of words like "сын" and "друг" and how they deviate from regular plural paradigms.
sons-сыновья meaning, definition and translation. English: One's male child. / Russian: Ребёнок мужского пола.
Feb 26, 2018 · The particle же is used here as an extra reminder that the pronoun его, used for the second time, still refers to the person mentioned above ...
What does сынок (synok) mean in Russian? ; потомок noun ; potomok descendant, child, offspring, descendent, scion ...
сыновья. What does сыновья mean? see also сын. сыновья (Russian). Noun. сыновья́ (masc.) (animate) (pl.) Inflection of сын (nominative plural) ...
Dec 12, 2020 · If I understood correctly, does the usual (and "irregular") plural сыновья imply the meaning biological sons, whereas сыны is used just in ...
Translate "hijos e hijas" from Spanish to Russian, сыновья и дочь, . See word usage in contexts, conjugation and declension.
Russian Vocabulary: People and Family ; супруга, spouse, wife. — ; сын (abb. снъ, plu. сыновья), son. (arch. сынъ) ; умерший, deceased person. (arch. gen. умершаго).
Сынъ [syn] noun declension ; nom. сыновья. synov'ja ; genitive. сыновей. synovej ; dative. сыновьямъ. synov'jam' ; accusative. сыновья. synov'ja ; instr. сыновьями.
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