обивка - Translation, Meaning and Definition of обивка in Almaany Online Dictionary of English-Russian. словарь, русский, словари, свободный, сети, ...
обвивка околу… … Macedonian dictionary. обвивание — захлестывание, заматывание, обертывание, увивание, опутывание, обвивка, обворачивание, окручивание ...
Russian Grammatical Dictionary ; обивка • noun, fem. ; 1) upholstery ; Singular ; N · обивка ; A, обивку ...
обвивка in English translation and meaning. Discover translations for обвивка and other related words.
Many translated example sentences containing "обивка" – English-Russian dictionary and search engine for English translations.
Продукт, получен при лющенето на зърната от бакла, който се състои основно от външните обвивки. Product obtained during dehulling horse bean seeds, consisting ...
Bulgarian, English. защитна обвивка noun {f}. armor ▽ (natural form of this kind of protection on an animal's body) noun [UK: ˈɑː.mə(r)] [US: ˈɑːr.mər] ...
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Other Russian verbs with the meaning similar to 'upholstering':. None found. Conjugation TOP10. GreekRussianArabicJapaneseSpanishEnglishDutchPortugueseFrench ...
" An 1867 German dictionary of proverbs records the following saying: "One's own footwrap is better than someone else's boot." The German Wehrmacht ...
обвивка - Translation and Meaning in Almaany English-Bulgarian Dictionary. armature. n 1. тех. арматура; 2. ел. котва; 3. броня (на кабел), 4. бот., ...