define:навариваться from
Many interesting and important results on stochastic scheduling problems have been developed in recent years, with the aid of probability theory. This book provides a comprehensive and unified coverage of studies in stochastic scheduling.
define:навариваться from
... наваривать ( наварить ) to weld on набирать ( набрать ) to collect наваливать ( навалить ) to heap , pile up НАД ( О ) ... meaning and is used to GRAMMAR 79 19 Date Expressions.
define:навариваться from
... наваривать ( наварить ) to weld on набирать ( набрать ) to collect наваливать ( навалить ) to heap , pile up НАД ( О ) ... meaning and is used to GRAMMAR 79.
define:навариваться from
... наваривания в газовых средах 4K/UHD (Ultra High Definition) — разрешающая способность в средствах отображения информации, соответствующая матрице 3840×2160 пикселей AF/AM (Additive Fabrication/Additive Manufacturing)/RPM (Rapid ...
define:навариваться from
... defined feature контур ( объекта местности ) с чёткими очертаниями ~ on наваривание ~ to приваривание ~ transformer сварочный трансформатор ~ unit сварочная установка westbound ( eastbound , northbound , southbound ) classification ...
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This collection of essays, written by leading philosophers as well as talented young researchers, offers new approaches to the ongoing discussion about the status of lexical meaning and the role of context dependence in linguistic ...
define:навариваться from
IDW 20/20 kicks off IDW's year-long 20th anniversary celebration!
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This updated fourth edition presents a wide-scale, interdisciplinary guide to social media communication.
define:навариваться from
Determined to learn how to swim, Ralph the cow turns to his water-friendlyriends, such as the ducks and turtles, to give him pointers on how to stayfloat.