Historical perspectives reveal how the scholarly field emerged and developed over time and across cultures and how historians of migration have recently begun to re-write the story of human life on earth.
Concision is a virtue!" - Mark J. Miller, University of Delaware This book provides lucid and intuitive explanations of the most important migration concepts as used in classrooms, among policymakers, and in popular and academic discourse.
Unanimous in their perception of boundary maintenance as central to identity formation, these essays allow readers to view refugee resettlement as a creative, experimental process.
This book, written by the codirectors of the largest ongoing longitudinal study of immigrant children and their families, offers a clear, broad, interdisciplinary view of who these children are and what their future might hold.
When states, charities, and NGOs either ignore or are overwhelmed by movement of people on a vast scale, criminal networks step into the breach. This book explains what happens next.
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The book presents the best contributions from the international scientific conference “Growth Poles of the Global Economy: Emergence, Changes and Future,” which was organized by the Institute of Scientific Communications (Volgograd, ...
"Each volume in the One on One series is a sustained meditaion on a single work from the collection of The Museum of Modern Art"--Front cover, inside flap.