Honour or honor is a quality of a person that is of both social teaching and personal ethos, that manifests itself as a code of conduct, and has various elements such as valour, chivalry, honesty, and compassion. Wikipedia
Feb 21, 2020 · Ýòî çàâèñèò îò êîíòåêñòà. Íàèáîëåå ïðèìåíèìî ê ìîðàëüíîìó êà÷åñòâó âîåííûõ. Ñèíîíèìû: äîáëåñòü, ÷åñòíîñòü, áëàãîðîäñòâî äóøè, ñîâåñòü.
Translation of "÷åñòè" in English. Noun Verb. honor honour credit ... ß ýòî ê åãî ÷åñòè ïèøó. I write this to honor him. Ó ìåíÿ íå áûëî ïîäîáíîé ...
Find all translations of ê ÷üåé-ë. ÷åñòè in English like to one's credit and many others.
gen. credit (to one's credit – ê ÷üåé-ëèáî ÷åñòè; do somebody credit – äåëàòü ÷åñòü êîìó-ëèáî; the boy is a credit to his family – ìàëü÷èê äåëàåò ÷åñòü ...
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â ÷åñòü (v čestʹ), â ÷åñòè (v česti) · ÷ǻñòâîâàòü (čéstvovatʹ), ÷åñòè́òü (čestítʹ), îáåñ÷ǻñòèòü (obesčéstitʹ) · ÷ǻñòíûé (čéstnyj), áåñ÷åñòíûé (besčestnyj) · ÷òèòü ( ...
What is the translation of "ñëîâî ÷åñòè" in English? ru. volume_up ... ê ÷üåé-ë. ÷åñòè adverb. English. to one's credit. More. Browse by letters. À · Á ·  ...
Translate "in the honour of" from English to Russian, â ÷åñòü, . See word usage in contexts, conjugation and declension.
Free online translation from English and other languages into Russian and back. The translator works with words, texts, web pages, and text in photos.
Codes of honor are not the same as the rule of law. Êîäåêñ ÷åñòè - ýòî íå òî æå ñàìîå, ÷òî âåðõîâåíñòâî çàêîíà. Inside their Zvezda home, the cosmonauts have ...
CREDIT translations: êðåäèò , ïîõâàëà, çàñëóãà , âçíîñ , çà÷åò , ïåðåâîäèòü êîìó-ëèáî äåíüãè íà ñ÷åò , âåðèòü . Learn more in the Cambridge English-Russian ...