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Êðîìå ýòîãî, èõòèîëîã - ýòî ó÷åíûé, êîòîðûé èçó÷àåò ðûáîâîäñòâî è çàíèìàåòñÿ ðûáîîõðàííîé äåÿòåëüíîñòüþ. In addition, the ichthyologist is a scientist ...
èõòèîëîã n, stresses ; gen. ichthyologist ; biol. fishery biologist; fish biologist (myroslava) ...
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Translation: ichthyologist. Examples: Îíà âû́øëà çàìóæ çà èõòèî́ëîãà. - She married an ichthyologist.
ichthyologist is the translation of "èõòèîëîã" into English. Sample translated sentence: Àìåðè÷êè èõòèîëîã Ëåîíàðä Ïèòåð Øóëö îïèñàî ¼å êðàšåâñêó íåîíêó 1956.
Ichthyology is the branch of zoology devoted to the study of fish, including bony fish (Osteichthyes), cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes), and jawless fish ...
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Example in Russian, Translation in English. Ìîé äðóã - èõòèîëîã â óíèâåðñèòåòå. Friend of mine's an ichthyologist at the university.
ichthyologist is the translation of "èõòèîëîã" into English. Sample translated sentence: Êàêî èõòèîëîã ïðâ îòêðèë è îïèøàë ìíîãó âèäîâè ðèáè îä äàëå÷íèòå ... · Dictionaries · Serbian (Latin)-English · I; ihtiolog. Ihtiolog (Serbian (Latin)) Translated to English as ichthyologist.
èõòèîëîã • noun, masc. 1) ichthyologist (zool.) Singular. N, èõòèîëîã •. A, èõòèîëîãà •. G, èõòèîëîãà •. D, èõòèîëîãó •. L, èõòèîëîãå •. I, èõòèîëîãîì •. plural.
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