Mythic discourses in the present day show how vernacular heritage continues to function and be valuable through emergent interpretations and revaluations.
... зыряне. According to Rédei (1977) the ethnonym (Central) Lower Vyčegda originates from Ob- Ugric *sĕrän 'Komi ... meaning 'mortal, man' (Lytkin and Kočëvo (Batalova 1975, Guljaev 1970: 174–5, Napol'skix 1997: 49). Its first part ...
First Published in 2000. This text provides a survey of the peoples who speak Finno-Ugric languages and have titular republics or autonomous regions within the post-Soviet Russian federation.
... meaning ambiguity of country. them related Russian), российский on have However, of only the the their capitals, to ... зыряне Якутск Тыва Кызыл якутский тувинский якуты тувинцы Also, form republics: there are коми-пермяки, several ...
Reproduction of the original. The publishing house Megali specialises in reproducing historical works in large print to make reading easier for people with impaired vision.