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Verb · to say, to tell · Что она́ говори́т? ― Što oná govorít?
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Говорить здесь о любви и уважении между партнерами бессмысленно. Talking here about love and respect between partners is meaningless.
Многие подростки любят не ложиться спать и говорить до рассвета о своих мечтах. Many teenagers like to stay up and talk until dawn about their dreams.
говорить verb {imPlf}. say [said, said, saying, says] ▽ (to communicate verbally or in writing) verb [UK: ˈseɪ] [US: ˈseɪ]. speak [spoke, spoken, speaking, ...
говорить: speak; горбить: hunch; горячиться: get angry; грезить: dream; греться: warm by drinking hot. Other Russian verbs with the meaning similar to 'say':.
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Find all translations of говорить in English like say, speak, talk and many others.
6 days ago · to say something using your voice говорить to speak loudly/quietly There was complete silence - nobody spoke.
With this page you will learn the conjugations of the Russian verb Говорить, to speak in English language, studying our table and reading our table.
Verbal Conjugation: говорить. Flashcards · Learn · Test · Match · Q-Chat ... говорите. они. говорят. define говорить. to speak. stem. говор.
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Conjugation of the Russian verb говорить/сказать. English translation: to say, tell. Conjugations in all aspects, past, future, and present tense, ...