define:ãîâàðèâàòü from
... ãîâàðèâàë äåòÿì äåä . ( 1.166 ) The interpretation of the third line , stressing both ' ñòî ' and ' ëåò ' , is suggested by the emphatic repetition and confirmed by the initial version of the stanza which has an unambiguous alternating ...
define:ãîâàðèâàòü from
... meaning , friendly ; -CTBO n . good will ; -ñòâîâàòü v . wish well . äîáðîêà÷åñòâåíí / îñòü ƒ . ( high ) quality ... ãîâàðèâàòü ( ñÿ ) ; -íèê m . contract worker ; -op- íûé a . contract , stipulated , agreed . äîãîëà àdν , naked ...
define:ãîâàðèâàòü from
Selected Readings ! PART I ܐ Êàðë ïÿòûé , ðèìñêèé èìïåðàòîð , ãîâàðèâàë.
define:ãîâàðèâàòü from
... ãîâàðèâàòü < ãîâîðèòü ' say ' ; õàæèâàòü < õîäèòü ' walk ' ; ñèæèâàòü < ñèäåòü 1 ' sit ' ; ÷èòûâàòü < ÷èòàòü " read ... define , but in general they share the basic features of frequentatives . Examples of their usage are given in ...
define:ãîâàðèâàòü from
... ãîâàðèâàòü ( from ãîâîðèòü ) = to be in the habit of saying îíú òàêú ãîâàðèâàëú = = he often used to say so . = Such verbs are really frequentative in meaning . But in the great majority of cases , i . e . when compounded with ...
define:ãîâàðèâàòü from
... ãîâàðèâàòü ( from ãîâîðèòü ) = to be in the habit of saying îïú òàêú ãîâàðèâàëü = he often used to say so . often . Such verbs are really frequentative in meaning . But in the great majority of cases , i . e . when compounded with ...
define:ãîâàðèâàòü from
... definition for the unit of translation : A unit of translation is that minimum segment of source - language text ... ãîâàðèâàë ' . [ ' He used to say ' ] ; German : er pflegte zu sagen , er sagte oft French : Il aimait répéter . Il ...
define:ãîâàðèâàòü from
... ãîâàðèâàòü ( from ãîâîðèòü ) = to be in the habit of saying îíú òàêú ãîâàðèâàëú = he often used to say so . = Such verbs are really frequentative in meaning . But in the great majority of cases , i . e . when compounded with ...
define:ãîâàðèâàòü from
... meaning of the verb . Lexical meaning can influence aspectual meaning insofar as the special nature of a given action is ... ãîâàðèâàòü " to begin to speak " ) ; conclusive ( äîïèñàòü / äîïè ñûâàòû " to finish writing " , äîãîðåòü ...