Find all translations of ãâàðäååö in English like guardsman, beefeater, gentleman-at-arms and many others.
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ãâàðäååö Examples from the PONS Dictionary (editorially verified). ñëóæà êàòî ãâàðäååö. serve as a guardsman.
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Free online translation from English and other languages into Russian and back. The translator works with words, texts, web pages, and text in photos.
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Decline the Russian noun ãâàðäååö (gvardejec) in all forms with usage examples and word stress. Ãâàðäååö declension has never been easier!
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Guards (Russian: ãâàðäèÿ) or Guards units were elite military units of Imperial Russia prior to 1917–18. The designation of Guards was subsequently adopted ...
Noun · guard (armed forces) · the most elite and experienced of a given field. Declension.
Guards units (Russian: Ãâàðäèÿ, romanized: Gvardiya) were elite units and formations in the Soviet Armed Forces that continue to exist in the Russian Armed ...
The meaning, definiton and translation of the word 'Guardsman', its examples of usage, synonyms in both English and Russian.
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From Middle English wardein, from Anglo-Norman wardein, from warder (“to guard”), variant of Old French guarder (“to guard”)
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Decline the Russian noun ëåéá-ãâàðäååö (ljejb-gvardjejec) in all forms with usage examples and word stress. Ëåéá-ãâàðäååö declension has never been easier!
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