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Noun ; âñà́äíèöû, nominative plural ; âñà́äíèöû, genitive plural ; âñà́äíèö, masculine ; âñà́äíèê).
Translations in context of "âñàäíèöà" in Russian-English from Reverso Context: Âîò è ìû, òðè âñàäíèêà Àïîêàëèïñèñà è îäíà âñàäíèöà.
Find all translations of âñàäíèöà in English like equestrienne, horsewoman and many others.
Need to translate "âñàäíèöà" (vsadnitsa) from Russian? Here are 3 possible meanings.
Meanings of "âñàäíèöà" in English-Russian Dictionary. Category, Russian, English. âñàäíèöà, equestrienne. âñàäíèöà, horsewoman. âñàäíèöà, rider. CREATE AN ...
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âñàäíèöà noun {f}. equestrian [equestrians] ▽ (an equestrian person; one who rides on horseback) noun [UK: ɪ.ˈkwe.strɪən] [US: ɪ.ˈkwe.striən]. horsewoman [ ...
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Decline the Russian noun âñàäíèöà (vsadnica) in all forms with usage examples and word stress. Âñàäíèöà declension has never been easier!
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Jan 28, 2023 · has characteristic · animate. 1 reference. imported from Wikimedia project · Russian Wiktionary · grammatical gender · feminine. 1 reference.
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âñàäíèöà - Translation, Meaning and Definition of âñàäíèöà in Almaany Online Dictionary of English-Russian. ñëîâàðü, ðóññêèé, ñëîâàðè, ñâîáîäíûé, ñåòè, ...
âñà́äíèöû • (vsádnicy) f anim or f anim pl. inflection of âñà́äíèöà (vsádnica): genitive singular · nominative plural.