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define:азбучно from
... Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English ( vo1.2 ) ; AP Cowie , R Mackin & IK Mc Caig ; Oxford Univ Press , 1984 ... азбучно подреждане според основната дума във фразата , израза или изречението , но той отново изисква сравнително ...
define:азбучно from
I. Азбучно-систематический указатель на русском языке Н-Я. ; II. Азбучный указатель книг и статей на иностранных ... Dictionary of Dates . VI . 59,207 . Viquesnel , A. Coup d'œil sur quelques points de l'histoire générale des ...
define:азбучно from
Walter Skeat (1835-1912) was one of the greatest investigators of the roots of the English language, and his remarkable scholarship was instrumental in the revival of the great works of early English Literature.
define:азбучно from
'Reputation Management' is a how-to-guide for professionals and students in corporate communications that rests on the premise that corporate reputations can be measured, monitored, and managed.