An escalope, also scallop in the US, is traditionally a piece of boneless meat that has been thinned out using a mallet or rolling pin or beaten with the handle of a knife, or merely butterflied. The mallet breaks down the fibres in the meat,... Wikipedia
Êóðèíûé ýñêàëîï - ïðîñòîé ðåöåïò óæèíà äëÿ âñåé ñåìüè. Chicken Abodo is an easy dinner for the entire family.
Translate "ýñêàëîï" from Russian to English, escalope, cutlet, ýñêàëîï â ìàðèíàäå, . See word usage in contexts, conjugation and declension.
Find all translations of ýñêàëîï in English like escalope and many others.
ýñêàëîï meaning in English ; ýñêàëîï noun {m}. escalope ▽ (thin slice of meat) noun [UK: ˈe.skə.ləʊp] [US: ˈe.skəloʊp] ...
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Ýñêàëîï èç ãîâÿäèíû è ñïàãåòòè, ïîæàëóéñòà. A veal escalope with spaghetti, please.
Nov 6, 2000 · Ýñêàëîï entered Russian cuisine as a recipe and a borrowing some two centuries ago and still means flat or long pieces of pork, lamb, ...
Ýñêàëîï (ôð. escalope) — â ðàçëè÷íûõ êóõíÿõ òàê íàçûâàþò îáû÷íî ðîâíûå, êðóãëûå ïëàñòû ìÿñà, íàðåçàííûå èç âûðåçêè (òåëÿ÷üåé, ñâèíîé) èëè èç äðóãèõ ÷àñòåé ìÿêî ...
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What is an "escalope"? An escalope refers to a thin slice of meat, typically from poultry, veal, or pork, that is pounded or flattened to an even thickness.
Find all translations of escalope in Russian like ýñêàëîï and many others.