1. a : any of various carnivorous (see carnivorous sense 1) mammals (especially genus Vulpes) of the dog family related to but smaller than wolves.
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Foxes are small-to-medium-sized omnivorous mammals belonging to several genera of the family Canidae. They have a flattened skull; upright, triangular ears; a pointed, slightly upturned snout; and a long, bushy tail. Twelve species belong to the... Wikipedia
Lifespan: Red fox: 3 – 4 years
Mass: Fennec fox: 1.5 – 3.5 lbs, Red fox: 4.9 – 31 lbs, Arctic fox: 7.1 – 21 lbs, and more
Term for young: cub, kit, and pup
Speed: Red fox: 31 mph and Gray fox: 42 mph
Gestation period: Fennec fox: 50 – 52 days, Red fox: 49 – 58 days, Arctic fox: 52 days, and more
Class: Mammalia

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verb · tr to perplex or confound · to cause (paper, wood, etc) to become discoloured with spots, or (of paper, etc) to become discoloured, as through mildew.
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A fox is a small, dog-like wild animal with pointed ears and nose, and a thick tail. A red fox has dark front legs that look like little opera gloves.
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a wild mammal belonging to the dog family that has a pointed face and ears, a wide tail covered in fur, and often reddish-brown fur
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A fox is a wild animal which looks like a dog and has reddish-brown fur, a pointed face and ears, and a thick tail. Foxes eat smaller animals.
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1. a [count] : a small wild animal that is related to dogs and that has a long pointed nose and a bushy tail b [noncount] : the fur of a fox.
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Foxes are small-to-medium-sized omnivorous mammals belonging to several genera of the family Canidae. They have a flattened skull; upright, triangular ears; ...
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a wild animal of the dog family, with red-brown fur, a pointed face and a thick heavy tail see flying fox, vixen
A red fox, small carnivore (Vulpes vulpes), related to dogs and wolves, with red or silver fur and a bushy tail.
a small to medium-sized carnivorous mammal with a pointed muzzle and bushy tail, often have reddish-brown fur and are known for being clever and adaptable.