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увя́дший • (uvjádšij). withered, faded, sere, sapless, flaccid, dead (about flowers, trees, etc.) (biology) увя́дшие ли́стья — induvia, induviae (faded, ...
Her little boy handed me a wilted flower that looked as if it had been in his pocket for a week.
увядший {adjective masculine} ... dead {adj.} ... faded {adj.} ... withered {adj.} увядший (also: высохший) ...
увядший adjective. sere ▽ (without moisture, see also: dry) adjective [UK: sɪə(r)] [US: ˈsɪr]. wilted ▽ ((of plants) drooping due to lack of water) adjective
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увя́дш|ий <-ая, -ее> ADJ ; увя́дший · withered ; увя́дший · wilted ; увя́дший цвето́к · flower ; увя́дшее лицо́ · face ...
... Dictionary Russian-English Under construction. увядший adjective / past participle—. faded adj. less common: dead adj. ·. decayed. ·. wilted. © Linguee ...
WOLA ○ Dictionary - "увядший" translation russian english. ... увядший. Прилагательное. Add example. sere. Прилагательное. Like this translation.
увядший {adj} · dead [flower]. 1 translation. To translate another word just start typing! Translation for 'увядший' from Russian to English. увядший {adj} ...
Это лучшая подтягивающая маска в домашних условиях, хорошо подходит для увядшей кожи. This is the best tightening mask at home, well suited for withered skin.
увядший adj. stresses ; gen. dead; sere; faded; sapless; withered; decayed; wilted (a/so fig); shriveldy; lame-ass (Holly71); stale ; agric. blasted (e.g. a ...