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geol. копёр для забивания свай ; Gruzovik, construct. сваебоец (a person who drives piles); сваебой (= сваебоец; a person who drives piles); сваебойные средства.
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сваебоец: thing; Сванетия: thing; сварадж: swaraj; свеит: thing. Other Russian verbs with the meaning similar to 'thing':. None found. Conjugation TOP10. Greek ...
5 days ago · 1. a breach in a levee 2. a deep crevice or fissure (as in a glacier or the earth) The climber narrowly missed slipping into a crevasse.
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Толковый словарь русского языка Д.Н.Ушакова: СВАЕБОЕЦ, сваебойца, м. Рабочий, забивающий сваи. Сваебойцы брались за веревку, начиная работу. М. Горький.
a dish made of raw fish marinated in lime or lemon juice often with oil, onions, peppers, and seasonings and sometimes served as a snack or appetizer.
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septate Listen to pronunciation (SEP-tate) An organ or structure that is divided into compartments.
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сваебоец: thing; свайка: fid; сведенборгит: swedenborgite; свёрстка: thing. Other Russian verbs with the meaning similar to 'thing':. None found. Conjugation ...
Definiția сваебоец în dicționarul Rusă ... M. Cel care împușcă grămezile. СВАЕБОЕЦ м. Тот, кто забивает сваи. Apasă pentru a vedea definiția originală «сваебоец» ...
Random. саудоаравиец: thing; Сахат: thing; сваебоец: thing; свеит: thing; сверление: boring; сверхдержавие: superpower; сверхдоводка: thing; сверхзадача: most ...
сваебоец: thing; сватушка: thing; свежачок: thing; свежина: thing; свеит: thing; сверхизменчивость: thing. Other Russian verbs with the meaning similar to ' ...