Many of our forebears were slain for the cause of freedom and human rights. Íîâûå âëàäåëüöû ñðàçó âçÿëèñü çà äåëî. The new owners set to work immediately.
People also ask
What does âûõîäè çà ìåíÿ mean?
What is the meaning of ïîêà íåò?
What does çà ðîäèíó mean?
Find all translations of âçÿòüñÿ çà äåëî in English like tackle the problem and many others.
çà äåëî · gen. for a good reason (punish someone for a good reason-íàêàçàòü êîãî-ë çà äåëî Alex Lilo); let's get this show on the road.; let's get down to ...
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äǻëî • (délo) n. work, deed, act. Synonyms: ðàáîòà (rabota), äåéñòâèå (dejstvie), ïîñòúïêà (postǎpka). achievement. Synonym: ïîñòèæåíèå (postiženie).
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Find all translations of óñàäèòü çà äåëî in English like set to work and many others.
Äǻëî â òîì, ÷òî ñóä ïî îøè́áêå ïðèãîâîðè́ë çà óáè́éñòâî íåâèíî́âíîãî ãðàæäàíè́íà ê äëè́òåëüíîìó ñðî́êó çàêëþ÷ǻíèÿ. (Kommersant-Vlast, 18 Apr 2000).
Nov 2, 2020 · "Íó, çà ÷åì æå äåëî ñòàëî?" "Çà ïðîïóñêîì!" "Well, what's the hitch now?" "We need a pass." • À òåïåðü äåëî çà íàìè. And now we have to do ...
to do a job, especially the job you do to earn money ðàáîòàòü Helen works for a computer company. He works as a waiter in an Italian restaurant.
Translate "ãðàæäàíñêîå äåëî" from Russian to English, civil case, ãðàæäàíñêîå äåëî ñ ïðåïðîâîæäåíèåì ïîä ñòðàæó, . See word usage in contexts, ...
Jul 2, 2020 · • Çà ÷åì äåëî ñòàëî? What's the hitch? • (no dur) *Âîò óâèäèòå, îí åù¸ áóäåò âàñ ðóãàòü, ñ íåãî ñòàíåò. You'll see, he'll still bawl you out ...