

A bylina is a type of oral epic poem. The oldest byliny are set in the 10th to 12th centuries in Kievan Rus', while others deal with all periods of Ukrainian and Russian history. Byliny narratives are loosely based on historical fact, but greatly... Wikipedia
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Inherited from Old East Slavic áûëèíà (bylina, literally “something that was”), from áꙑòè (byti, “to be”) (Russian áûòü (bytʹ)).
A bylina (Ukrainian: áèëèíà, Russian: áûëèíà, IPA: [bɨˈlʲinə]; pl. áûëèíû, byliny) is a type of oral epic poem. Dobrynya Nikitich rescues Zabava Putyatichna ...
For example, there is a bylina about Duke Stepanovich, who boasted to the Kievan Prince Vladimir about treasures of his homeland India.
Find all translations of áûëèíà in English like bylina, folk tale and many others.
áûëè́íà. noun ... Translation. 1. epic. 2. bylina. Usage info. traditional East Slavic oral epic narrative poem. Declension. singular, plural. nom.nominative.
Russian, English. áûëèíà noun {f}. bylina ▽ (traditional East Slavic oral epic narrative poem) noun. tale [tales] ▽ (type of story) noun
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The meaning of BYLINA is a Russian folk epic or ballad.
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English translation of áûëèíà - Translations, examples and discussions from LingQ.
Inherited from Old Czech bylina. Cognate with Russian áûëè́íêà (bylínka). Equivalent to býlí + -ina, from Old Czech býlé, from Proto-Slavic *bylüje.
áûëèíà n, stresses ; gen. Russian epic; heroic epic ballade; epic poem (Alex Lilo); Russian saga (Tanion); legend; Russian epic poem ; Gruzovik, obs. blade of ...
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