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"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
... Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, 197, Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society: 15-27. Inaccessible and Absentative Inflections in Algonquian, Algonquian and I roquoian Linguistics, 25(3): 25-27. 2000b The Origins of ...
"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
WHAT AMERICAN ZOOLOGISTS HA YE DONE FOE EVOLUTION.* BY PROFESSOR EDWAED S. HOKSE. [Concluded.] those who have ... Philosophical Society," 1878, p. 516. | "Memoirs of the British Society of Natural Ilistory," vol. iv, No. 1 ...
"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
... memoirs in the " Transactions of the American Philosophical Society." At this time, besides other chemical researches, he made an analysis of the waters of the Virginia mineral springs, the results of which have appeared in various ...
"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
... memoir submitted anonymously to the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia gained for Mr. Espy the award of the Magellanic premium in the year 1836, after a discussion remarkable for ingenuity and closeness in its progress, and ...
"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
... American Continent had been regarded with incredulity, in consequence of the entire disappearance of these animals ... Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences," and his beautifully illustrated monograph entitled " A ...
"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
... Memoirs published by Professor Leo Lesquereux. 1. Catalogue of the Mosses of Switzerland and Mennirs. Natural History Society ... American Philosophical Society, vol. xiii. 1864. 17. On Tertiary Fossil Plants of Mississippi. Transactions ...
"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
... American Philosophical Society, and published in the " American Philosophical Transactions," in 1809. The diligence ... memoirs of the time, and attracted the attention of philosophers throughout the world. As already stated, it ...
"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
... American chemists and the titles of their works ! It would be equally useless and indeed an invidious task to offer a selection ; but this may be said, that among the more prominent memoirs ... Philosophical Society, the Lyceum of ...
"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
... Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, I (1935). 3. N. A. Wiegmann, Some theorems on matrices with real quaternion elements, Can. J. Math., 7 (1955), 191–201. Catholic University, Washington, D.C. PRIME POWER REPRESENTATIONS OF ...
"bibliogroup:American Philosophical Society: Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society", источник:
... memoirs based upon the fruits of the trip across the continent were published about 1840 in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society. Conchology was a new subject of study to Nuttall, and he became much absorbed in it. He ...