UWR-5/3000-D12A-C. Note: This datasheet may be out of date. Please download the latest datasheet of UWR-5/3000-D12A-C from the official website of Murata.
Murata Power Solutions' new A-Series switching DC/DC converters are designed to meet the demanding long-term-reliability and low-cost requirements of modern ...
All models, other than the D12A models (10-18 Volt input range), can operate at higher ambient temperatures if the input range is narrowed. For example, model ...
Fully isolated, 1000VDC guaranteed. No external components required. Industry-standard pinout. Guaranteed efficiency to 90%. UL 1950, CSA 22.2 No. 234, ...
We are the #1 supplier of board mount power and among the top suppliers of overall power electronics. From 0.25W isolated converters to 2100W front-end ...
Devices derate to +100°C. Output voltages are 3.3, 5, 12 or 15 Volts. Input voltage ranges are 10-18V ("D12A" models), ...
Nov 13, 2013 · We do not offer alternative equivalents for the models included in the EOL notice. It is recommended that you speak with our local FAE to ...
We are the #1 supplier of board mount power and among the top suppliers of overall power electronics. From 0.25W isolated.
UWR-5/3000-D5-C. UWR 14-20W A-SERIES. 12V. 10V. 18V 1.5kV. 85%.. 0.49. 2. 1. 12.5 50.8 25.4. UWR-5/3000-D12A-C. UWR 15W A-SERIES. 24V. 9V. 36V 1.5kV. 87%.
UWR-5/3000-D5-C. UWR 14-20W A-SERIES. 12V. 10V. 18V 1.5kV. 85%.. 0.49. 2. 1. 12.5 50.8 25.4. UWR-5/3000-D12A-C. UWR 15W A-SERIES. 24V. 9V. 36V 1.5kV. 87%.