TLP227G: 4 pin DIP(DIP4), 1 channel type(1 form A). TLP227G−2: 8 pin DIP(DIP8), 2 channel type(2 form A).
TLP227G: 4 pin DIP(DIP4),1 channel type(1 form A). TLP227G−2: 8 pin DIP(DIP8),2 channel type(2 form A). Peak off−state voltage: 350V(min ...
On-State Current. One Channel. 4ION/°C. -1.2. mA/°C. Derating (Ta 25°C). TLP227G-2. Both Channel (Note 1). -1.0. Junction Temperature.
757-TLP227G-2(F). TLP227G-2(F). DIP-8. Two channels. 0.05. 2500. 2.70. 2.16. 1.68. 757-TLP250. TLP250(TP1,F). DIP-8. Medium power IGBT/MOSFET direct drive, High ...
To meet customers' various needs, we offer an extensive product portfolio shown below as well as general- purpose photocouplers.
EN60747-5-2- or EN60747-5-5- approved photocouplers are also offered with a wide selection of output (transistor, thyristor, triac, IC output and photorelay).
Safety, performance and power consumption criteria are driving the development of highly efficient photocoupler devices. Electrical isolation is a familiar ...
TLP830(F). -. PWB direct mounting. 2. 0.15. 3. 20. 10. 2. 35. Printers, fax machines ... TLP227G-2. 1. 2. 7. 8. 3. 4. 5. 6. DIP8. Dual channel version of the ...
To meet the customers' various needs, TOSHIBA offers an extensive line of products shown below as well as general-purpose photocouplers.
The photocoupler line is available with lead forming for insertion mounting with wider clearance. Features. High board clearance. Available for all 4, ...