The TLP227G series are a bi−directional switch which can replace mechanical relays in many applications. • TLP227G: 4 pin DIP(DIP4), 1 channel ...
The TLP227G series are a bi−directional switch which can replace mechanical relays in many applications. • TLP227G: 4 pin DIP(DIP4),1 channel ...
757-TLP227G-2(F). TLP227G-2(F). DIP-8. Two channels. 0.05. 2500. 2.70. 2.16. 1.68. 757-TLP250. TLP250(TP1,F). DIP-8. Medium power IGBT/MOSFET direct drive, High ...
To meet customers' various needs, we offer an extensive product portfolio shown below as well as general- purpose photocouplers.
EN60747-5-2- or EN60747-5-5- approved photocouplers are also offered with a wide selection of output (transistor, thyristor, triac, IC output and photorelay).
TLP227G-2. TLP597G. Coupling Medium (Window). Photo Detector Chip. LED Chip. Lead ... SKRWRUHOD\V FHUWLILHG WR 8/ 86$ F 8/ &DQDGD 9'( *HUPDQ\ %6, %ULWDLQ 6 ...
TLP830(F). -. PWB direct mounting. 2. 0.15. 3. 20. 10. 2. 35. Printers, fax machines ... TLP227G-2. 1. 2. 7. 8. 3. 4. 5. 6. DIP8. Dual channel version of the ...
TOSHIBA semiconductor Thailand manufactures general-purpose 4-pin phototransistor output devices to help customers to easily procure components for overseas ...
To meet the customers' various needs, TOSHIBA offers an extensive line of products shown below as well as general-purpose photocouplers.