This text is organized around the ISLLC Standards and provides a bridge from the theory of school administration to the practical problem solving in which school principals and other leaders engage.
Based on the success of the first edition, David Pickton and Amanda Broderick have restructured this edition to make the three marketing communications models more explicit.
After conducting a comprehensive literature search, the authors undertook a meta-analysis to examine the association between correctional education and reductions in recidivism, improvements in employment after release from prison, and ...
Germany: The Role of Institutional Investors in Promoting Good Corporate Governance Annex A. The Questionnaire of the OECD Corporate Governance Committee Annex B. The Data Requested in the Questionnaire of the OECD Corporate Governance ...
Written by experts in the field, this text provides an authoritative treatment of Australian company law and is updated to reflect recent amendments in corporations legislation, including commentary on the recent insolvency law reforms.
Consolidated chapter on language analysis (Chapter 7) discusses the process of analyzing language across utterances, partners and communication events. More on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) appears in this edition.