Chronicles the author's descent from a top cardiologist to a patient slowly succumbing to Parkinson's disease and dementia, including how he struggles with the feelings he experiences daily and the impact of the diseases in his life.
These stories pound out futuristic polyrhythms, propel us hurtling through time. Pete Stevens has a unique voice and a rich imagination, and the work in this short volume is melodious and vivid and very much alive.
Packed with vibrant full-page photography, this is the ultimate cookbook for simple yet drool-worthy plant-based food you’ll crave all year long! *200 Recipes and 100 Full-Page Photographs*
Though Ostrovsky slightly tweaked most of his plays after premiers, he substantially revised this particular one-Rich Brides-thus providing a fascinating guide both to dramatic craftsmanship and dramatic vision.
Let this book guide you on how to learn easily how to write and read in baybayin, the ancient writings of the Tagalogs. This book contains the rules and exercises to help you become proficient in using baybayin.
Influence: Science and Practice is an examination of the psychology of compliance (i.e. uncovering which factors cause a person to say "yes" to another's request) and is written in a narrative style combined with scholarly research.