... pro- Bassein , Amherst , and Thatôn among the great rice - growing districts show a considerable decline in outturn as compared with 1915-16 , but most of the other districts report increased outturns , especially Pyapôn . The average ...
... pro- bassein rape . Bene etiam latus , dicturus fevera . B. Cape præfe- rendum : nam vult otiofum effe Mæcenatem . G. ODE IX . 1 Hanc & tertiam Lib . IV . mal- let Scaliger se compofuiffe quam vel totius Tarraconenfis rex fieri . Bella ...
... Pro Bassein Rangoon C. Negrate OKarting abgk Chlon Pefits G of Martaban ) Irawadi R. ANDAMAN 18 , NGAL N roll Herate of a NICOBAR I 90 Greenwich Fang - Pro Halfong Namdinh- Tonkin FRENCH N Ubo Korat Paknam Bassa Blemas Slom Motorla Form ...
... pro- bassein rape . Bene etiam lætus , dicturus fevera . B. Cape præfe- rendum : nam vult otiofum effe Mæcenatem . G. ODE IX . 1 Hanc & tertiam Lib . IV . mal- let Scaliger se compofuisse quam vel totius Tarraconenfis rex fieri . Bella ...
... Pro- Bassein , bewohnt , find die Karen , Karaen , Karian , ain [ Carayners , Carayaners bei Symes emb . II . p . 19 ) . Doch finden sich auch einzelne Familien dersel- in den an Rangun grenzenden Districten . Sie sind ch und friedlich ...
... Pro Bassein Salveen G.of Martaban Over 500 per sq . m . " Yanam Masulipatam Madras Pondicherry 250 to 500 " Palk Strait Trincomalee Ceylon 100 to 250 50 to 100 5 to 50 " Under 5 Markham Dz Dayal Lango P Eblin Drowa G Sienta Muli Menkong ...