Use this calculator to see how small, consistent additions to your investment can add up over time.
Use our free investment calculator to estimate how much your investments or savings will compound over time, based on factors like how much you plan to save ...
Calculate your investment performance with our S&P 500 calculator. Easily determine both nominal and inflation-adjusted returns for any time period.
This investment returns calculator can help you estimate annual gains. Learn if you're on track to meet your long-term goals.
The calculation is based on historical S&P 500 returns, your current age, starting investment amount, and monthly additions.
People also ask
What if I invested $1000 in the S&P 500 10 years ago?
How much would $100 invested in the S&P 500 in 1980 be worth today?
What if I invested $100 a month in S&P 500?
How much will I make from S&P 500?
Estimate historical investment performance with the S&P 500 calculator. Show both inflation-adjusted and nominal returns, plus dividends.
Use this calculator to see how small, consistent additions to your investment can really add up over time.
Stock Information, Stock Data and Chart, Analyst Coverage, Historical Price Lookup, Investment Calculator, Credit Ratings, Corporate Governance
This calculator allows you to choose the frequency that your investment's interest or income is added to your account. provides a FREE return on investment calculator and other ROI calculators to compare the impact of taxes on your investments.