Define. succeed in achieving a goal. Translation of "did not make it" in ... Óçàêîíåíèå ïðàêòèêè íå äåëàåò åå íðàâñòâåííîé. But this proposed law change ...
legitimation {noun}. volume_up · volume_up · óñûíîâëåíèå {n}. legitimation (also: adoption). volume_up · óçàêîíåíèå {n} ... define in advance what arrangements ...
ëåãèòèìíîñòü f. óçàêîíåíèå n. óçàêîíèâàíèå ... The legitimation of the base case will continue to define the populist narrative as a voice of change.
... define the nature of eighteenth-century Russian civil society and political ... óçàêîíåíèå ÷óâñòâà ïðåäïèñàëè, à íå âðîæäåííîå ïðàâî. (PSVS, 6, 324).
... óçàêîíåíèå) íåãàòèâíîãî ïîâåäåíèÿ â îòíîøåíèè àóòãðóïïû (Mummendey, Wenzel, 1999). ... First, I define descriptive-to-prescriptive reasoning and review previous ...
define their rights or privileges, which create the space of freedom. This ... óçàêîíåíèå. Ñèå ñîñòîÿëî: ïàêè äàòü ñâîáîäó êðåñòüÿíàì ïåðåõîäèòü îò.
Russian civil law did not define the prohibited degrees of kinship and ... ðàçâîäå, óçàêîíåíèå, óñûíîâëåíèå è âíåáðà÷íûå äåòè. Èçä. 8–å. ÑÏá. Äîáðîâîëüñêèé ...
Cultural (óçàêîíåíèå) is the development of ideological belief systems that ... Define the main idea of the text. -Parsons is the greatest defender of ...
... define the system of the legislation of the ... óçàêîíåíèå ñî ñëîæíîé è äîñòàòî÷íî ñòðîãîé ... óçàêîíåíèå íà îñíîâå Ñîáîðíîãî óëîæåíèÿ è ...
Bush presidency are detailed in order to reveal an Obama presidency that continues to define ... Ñåãîäíÿ äàð U.J.A. âûðàæàåò óçàêîíåíèå Èçðàèëÿ ïîñðåäñòâîì ...