Get on all public transport with 1 OV-chipkaart. With NS Flex you travel from door to door. For example, by bus, tram or OV-fiets.
People also ask
What is the NS Flex?
What is the difference between NS Flex and on balance?
Is NS Flex only for trains?
What is the difference between OV and NS chipkaart?
NS Flex is the season ticket that adjust to your changing travel needs. Choose the discount that suits your way of travelling. Read more.
Sep 13, 2023 · Go to a NS terminal at the train station and add "samenreiskorting" to their ov card. This will give them the same 40% discount as you.
Feb 18, 2024 · A Flex Voordeel discount is a rail subscription for which you also need a personal Rail Id card with picture (ov-chipkaart). Also you can use ...
Aug 11, 2022 · There are various NS Flex subscription levels, but the one that caught my eye was "Dal Vordeel," a 40-percent discount on off-peak travel.
With this subscription, you can travel unlimited on a fixed route in the Netherlands up to the border with Belgium or Germany.