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28 авг. 2019 г. · Опубликованы результаты конкурса «Подаркопад» отWoman_ru и P&G. Каждый победитель получит один из 500 полезных призов!
... pavlenko.1985/</loc> </url> <url> <loc> ... m.89/</loc> </url> <url> <loc> ...
21 мар. 2020 г. · In this review, we describe how UV observations provide unique diagnostics for the accretion process, the physical properties of the protoplanetary disk, and ...
27 мая 2024 г. · He was one of the first Crimean Leaders to ask in public for the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Member of the Federation Council of the Russian ...
27 июн. 2014 г. · The Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL) is an annual meeting organized by SIGNLL, the ACL special interest group ...
We have identified four current topics related to liver resection (anatomical liver resection, laparoscopic liver resection, staged liver resection and ...
31 янв. 2023 г. · This diminished L2 emotionality has been referred to as disembodied cognition (Pavlenko 2012) or reduced emotional resonance in L2 (Toivo and ...
IBVS is published on behalf of the 27th and 42nd Commissions of the IAU, by the. Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary.
... pavlenko/</loc> </url> <url> <loc> ... m.89/</loc> </url> <url> <loc> ...
IBVS is published on behalf of the 27th and 42nd Commissions of the IAU, by the. Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary.