With the Australian troops crossing of the Kumusi River in mid-November 1942, after pushing the Japanese back along the Kokoda Track to the north coast of Papua New Guinea, the time had come to face the entrenched Japanese at their ...
The book analyzes important new discoveries that have occurred recently and examines evidence that is not available elsewhere. Cameron and Groves argue that the existing evidence supports a recent origin for modern humans from Africa.
Looking at a period of history 22 to 2.5 million years ago, this title examines the record of the Neogene fossil apes: their adaptive trends, their morphologies and their relationships to the environment, their evolution and their ...
Shadows of Anzac: An intimate history of Gallipoli tells the story of the ‘ordinary’ men and women who participated in the Gallipoli campaign from April to December 1915 and gave the Anzac legend meaning.
His compelling account commemorates the men who fought in the rubber plantation of Long Tan - and those who did not come home. Praise for David Cameron's The Battle for Lone Pine-
InAustralians on the Western Front, David Cameron tells the extraordinary story of Australian troops at Villers-Bretonneux in World War I. The Anzacs had one of their greatest victories at Villers-Bretonneux, defeating the Germans there in ...
The Battle for Lone Pine is the first book devoted to this cornerstone of the Anzac legend, drawing on unforgettable first-hand accounts scratched into diaries and letters home.