Smile wiped off Skype face as risqué emoticons purged

Microsoft has removed a number of ’emoticons’ from Skype
Microsoft has removed a number of ’emoticons’ from Skype

Not feeling very :-) today? In fact, are you getting quite >:-( at someone? Well, you may have to find another way to express displeasure if you’re using Skype.

Microsoft, the owner of the video-chatting system, has removed a number of “emoticons” — small images or animations that indicate moods, such as a smiley face — from Skype.

It means that users wanting to show the middle finger using a cute image will be unable to do so within its text chatting feature. Now they must either choose another emoticon, spell out a swear word using letters, or perform the gesture themselves over a video chat.

The company has also removed a number of other emoticons from Skype, including those for WTF (“what the f***?”)