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Duane Bryers Artwork - Hilda, 'Hang On!'

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  1. BrianCottrill1:53
  2. Pyssan2:00
  3. kekkek2:07
  4. moppie2:14
  5. dieangie2:16
  6. lizziehow2:22
  7. Jabyin2:29
  8. AVYANN2:34
  9. anrol2:41
  10. octhomasad2:46


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She does all we can't, shouldn't or would'nt !!

@Isaly2, @Lia - So pleased you're enjoying seeing Hilda again! I wish I could get up to some of the tricks she does! Fun, what life should be all about! ;-)))****


I agree with Isaly!!


I'm a big fan of Duane Bryers. Love all of your posts today. I can't pick just one as a favorite. Hope you are having a good day. Sending big hugs your way.

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