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Environment in Films and Video > " Nature by Numbers" - Cristobal Vila

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message 1: by M (last edited Apr 11, 2010 01:36PM) (new)

M (wwwgoodreadscomprofilem) | 337 comments Here is a nice video work by Cristóbal Vila entitled " Nature by Numbers ". Or how mathematics and geometry are among the living. It relates to the book On Growth and Form A very successful short film and video smooth as I like to see pushed a little further (not just 3 examples) but the result is still very beautiful.

Cristobal Vila presents a series of animations illustrating various mathematical principles, starting with an animation of the Fibonacci sequence breathtaking.
" Nature By Numbers " , to calculate the natural world in everyday language, we often say we do not calculate what around us, we do ...

The mathematical properties, such as the Fibonacci sequence, permeate the natural world.
The Fibonacci numbers are Nature's numbering system. They appear everywhere in Nature, from the leaf arrangement in plants, to the pattern of the florets of a flower, the bracts of a pinecone, or the scales of a pineapple. The Fibonacci numbers are therefore applicable to the growth of every living thing, including a single cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of bees, and even all of mankind.

Fibonacci Spiral

If you construct a series of squares with lengths equal to the Fibonacci numbers (1,1,2,3,5, etc) and trace a line through the diagonals of each square, it forms a Fibonacci spiral. Many examples of the Fibonacci spiral can be seen in nature, including in the chambers of a nautilus shell.

A Sunflower: the Fibonacci sequences

The ratio of consecutive numbers in the Fibonacci sequence approaches a number known as the golden ratio, or phi (=1.618033989...). The aesthetically appealing ratio is found in much human architecture and plant life. A Golden Spiral formed in a manner similar to the Fibonacci spiral can be found by tracing the seeds of a sunflower from the centre outwards.

message 2: by Lorne (new)

Lorne Rothman Well said, Michelle! Your explanation makes the short film easier to understand.

message 3: by M (new)

M (wwwgoodreadscomprofilem) | 337 comments Beauty, elegance, unity and simplicity in nature, Lorne.

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