Bare-headed Cameron under-fire as he puts vanity before safety on helmet-free cycle to work

With one hand off the handlebars and the wind sweeping through his hair, David Cameron looked a picture of middle-class normality as he made his way to work today.

The Conservative leader, in dark clothes, trainers, and wearing a fluorescent sash, pedalled the distance from his home in west London to the House of Commons.

He was accompanied by two men on bicycles, believed to be special branch officers, and a man thought to be a 'cycling buddy'.

But as just Tory spin doctors were no doubt patting themselves on the back for executing yet another faultless picture opportunity, safety campaigners were taking a dimmer view of the youthful opposition leader's cycle to Westminster.

David Cameron

Two hands for beginners: Here' bare-headed Dave on his way to work with a police protection officer (with helmet) bringing up the rear

Headway, the brain injury association, said it was 'deeply disappointed' to learn of photographs taken of the Conservative leader leaving his home and arriving at the House of Commons on his bicycle with his safety helmet dangling from his handlebars.

Luke Griggs, Headway spokesman, said: 'Brain injury can happen at any moment - all it takes is just one fall and you will regret it for the rest of your life. We are deeply disappointed.

'Mr Cameron should be proud to be seen to be wearing his helmet. He should be setting a good example to cyclists, particularly young cyclists in the UK.'

A Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) spokeswoman said: 'We encourage cyclists to wear helmets, obviously it is not the law, at the end of the day it is a personal choice. But we do encourage people to wear helmets.

Enlarge   Cameron

At least he had his lights on: David Cameron sets off for work with his two Special Branch officers

'Helmets will not stop an accident from happening, but it will hopefully reduce the severity of injuries suffered.'

But a London Cycling Campaign spokesman said: 'We take the view that people should make their own informed decisions about the wearing of helmets.

'The evidence of the protective ability of helmets in the event of a collision with a vehicle remains unclear.'

It is not the first time he has been criticised over cycling without a bicycle helmet.

In 2006, MPs and safety campaigners claimed his habit of removing his helmet for the cameras was setting a bad example to children.

And his hand signals are impeccable: The Tory leader signals as he turns into the Palace of Westminster this morning. Right, fellow Conservative and London Mayor Boris Johnson shows how to cycle safely

But Roger Geffen from the national cyclists' organisation CTC makes the case that cyclists should be allowed to choose whether to wear a helmet.

He said: 'The idea that it is somehow "dangerous" and "irresponsible" to cycle without a helmet is a total myth.

'It merely puts people off cycling and contributes to the increase in the level of obesity and other inactivity-related illnesses, which kill tens of thousands of people every year.

'On the other hand, it is far from clear whether cycle helmets do anything to reduce the relatively tiny number of cyclist fatalities - in fact some of the evidence suggests helmets could make things worse.

'If we are to encourage people to take up cycling - with all its benefits for our health, our streets, our environment and our wallets - then we need to promote it as a safe and enjoyable way to get around for day-to-day travel, wearing normal clothes.'