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Sophia Loren
J. Vespa/WireImage
Sophia Loren

Sophia Loren is one of the last great international movie stars from an era where glamour ruled the screen.

During her 65-plus year career in film, the Oscar-winning actress worked with directors such as Vittorio De Sica, Stanley Kramer, Michael Curtiz, Sidney Lumet, Charlie Chaplin, George Cukor, Lina Wertmüller, Robert Altman and Rob Marshall. Her co-stars included Cary Grant, Clark Gable, Peter Sellers, Charles Boyer, William Holden, Marlon Brando, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Paul Newman, Frank Sinatra and, especially, Marcello Mastroianni.

Loren will be at the Ridgefield Playhouse on Nov. 16 at 8 p.m. for an evening of conversation, film clips and reminiscing with her fans.

The following is an edited email interview with the actress, now 85, when she was on a recent cruise:

Q: I had a “Sophia Loren Evening” making recipes from your 1995 cookbook: Your mother’s pepper dish, your grandmother’s panzanella and Marcello Mastroianni’s favorite dish of yours, fagioli con le cotiche. What do these dishes mean to you?

A: Memories and comfort. Mama, My Nonna and Marcello all come back in a flood when I cook these meals. They connect me to my great memories.

Q: With all these great meals how have you managed to stay so fit and healthy despite?

A: Yogurt! No, really, it’s all a matter of having everything you want — especially my pasta — but a little at a time. Not a lot at a time.

Q: What would you order for your final meal of your favorite dishes?

A: That’s so hard. I do like a nice veal with my pasta. Wait … maybe chocolate?

Q: In your 2014 memoir “Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow,” you always seemed so resilient. Did you ever doubt yourself?

A: Yes, there have always been doubts and insecurities. But I learned from Momma and from my own make-up that life is about action and going forward. It’s a game that I like to win.

Q: You write that you and your sister Maria inherited your grandmother Luisa’s bravura. What characteristics have your sons inherited from you?

A: They are strong, sure men. Italian and solid. But still sweet down inside.

Q: For a past “In conversation with Sophia Loren,” your son interviewed you. Did he ever ask you a question that caught you off guard?

Sophia Loren
Sophia Loren

A: Ah… I do have my secrets that no one will ever know. Yes, he has asked me questions that I never expected. But I didn’t have to answer them, did I?

Q: What defined the special chemistry that you and Marcello Mastroianni had?

A: You can’t explain it. But he is one of the few people that made me laugh all the time. That is priceless. I miss him so.

Q: I understand that you almost worked with Federico Fellini in a film but he died before that project could get under way. What was the film?

A: Federico always had another project. There were several I think that he was thinking about. Not just one.

Q: Many actresses are speaking out about past inappropriate behavior they experienced from powerful men in the film and television industry. Were you ever harassed and how did you handle the situation?

A: No. I mean there may have been some fun and the odd comment, but never such obvious behavior to me. I knew how to walk around the situation.

Q: Has Hollywood lost its glamour? Who do you feel represents movie star fabulousness?

A: Meryl Streep, of course. I do love her. But the younger generation doesn’t know how to be glamorous. They are sexy and pretty, but glamour is a different quality. It comes with a security in who you are. You either have it, or….

Q: Your beauty then — and now — is legendary. In fact you wrote the book on it with 1984’s “Women and Beauty.” With it you said that beauty is more than technique and that you wanted women to discover their own individual beauty with charm, warmth, wisdom, intelligence and imagination. What’s the secret of a maturing beauty?

A: You’re so nice! You have to like yourself and then enjoy the people and situation you are in. Everything changes. Enjoy it all.

Q: Might we see other performances from you? Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s “The Visit” has a great role for you. Or perhaps a brand new one in a film by Paolo Sorrentino or Luca Guadagnino?

A: Oh, I love “The Visit.” Is there a script out there? Yes, the people you mention are wonderful, and how about more new people! I love to work!!!

Q: What do your grandchildren think when they see you in your films? Do they recognize that it’s their nonna? And what words of advice would you give them if they wished to seek a career in show business?

A: Yes, they love me in [Pixar’s animated] “Cars. ” Their lives are their own. I had a great career in films. I could never steer them away from that magic.

Q: How important is “sfiziosa” [a touch of fun, deliciousness or extravagance] to you in life?

A: Happiness is everything. It keeps you young. And you have to keep looking for it. Here’s to life!!!

Sophia Loren’s recipe for Linguine con Salsa Sophia

2 cups of Italian parsley leaves

3 cloves garlic, peeled

1/4 cup of pinoli

3 to 4 anchovy fillets in salt, rinsed of excess salt

10 or more black olives, roughly chopped

2 tablespoons of capers, drained

1 small onion, minced

About 1/4 cup of extra-virgin olive oil

1 pound of linguine or spaghetti

Freshly ground pepper or paprika.

In a mortar, pound together parsley, garlic, pinoli, anchovies, olives capers and onion until ingredients are uniformly combined.

Gradually pour in the oil, continuing to pound the paste. Set aside.

Cook pasta until al dente.

Drain pasta and place in lightly oiled pan over medium heat. Toss. Cook the pasta for under a minute until it dries completely and just begins to brown.

Place in serving bowl and toss with sauce, with dusting of pepper or paprika.

Do not serve cheese with this dish.