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Penile curvature in children

Penile curvature in children


Penile curvature is a congenital or acquired genital anomaly characterized by greater or less curvature of the penis.

Penile curvature is a serious functional, aesthetic and psychological problem. The patient is prevented from having normal sexual intercourse and there is often psychogenic impotence.

When does it occur?

Congenital penile curvature - can be an isolated anomaly without other deformities or associated with another penile anomaly (e.g. hypospadias)

Acquired penile curvature - occurs during inadequate penis growth at puberty, or as part of Peyronie's disease, or after surgically untreated penile fracture.

How is penis curvature diagnosed?

To make a diagnosis, we need:

  • Information we receive from the patient or from the parent (if the child is concerned) about the existence of the curvature
  • Clinical examination - at which the curvature (curvature) of the penis is observed in the erection and also in the flaccid (relaxed) state
  • Photograph of the penis in erection or medicamentally causing an artificial erection in an outpatient setting to accurately determine the degree, shape and localization of the curvature of the penis

How is penile curvature treated?

Treatment of penile curvature is exclusively operative.

The goal of surgical treatment is to correct the curve of the penis, with full restoration and preservation of functionality, and maximum aesthetic effect.

The choice of surgical technique depends on the patient's age and the reason for the formation of the curvature.

Due to the specificity of the procedures performed, as well as the many different techniques that are used in the treatment, it is necessary for the surgery to be performed by a surgeon who is specialized in the field of urological reconstructive surgery.

In children or adolescents, the most commonly used method is reconstruction of one of the penile sheaths, plicating it, to correct the curvature. This enables the proper growth and development of the penis. In adults, if the curve is due to Peyronie's disease or fracture, deformity correction is most commonly used with graft. Surgery may be performed under general anesthesia or regional (spinal) surgery, when the patient may be awake during the operation.

What does the postoperative period look like?

The patient stays in the hospital for 1 or 2 days.

Antibiotics are prescribed, as well as painkillers, if needed.

A compression bandage is needed for the next 7 days.

For wounds on the skin, resorptive sutures are generally used, which break down on their own, so they do not need to be removed.

In adult patients, sexual intercourse is allowed 4-6 weeks after surgery.

The goal of penile curvature surgery is to achieve complete functionality with aesthetically good results.

Picture gallery

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Before surgery
Before surgery
After the penile curvature correction, intraoperative image
After surgery
After the penile curvature correction, intraoperative image
Look at the pictures
Before surgery
After the penile curvature correction, intraoperative image
After the penile curvature correction, intraoperative image




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