Orit Fox (fux)
2 min readAug 9, 2023


My name is orit fox…(fux)

I am a public figure, popular well known in Israel, and around the world.

Few mounth ago i start learning ..read books and understand that what we was learnd in school all over the years, was wrong.

Anyway, the good news is that i saw is that we have a big giant of power within ourselves .

I learn that we can become, in a simple steps, to what we are wanting to be.

if you put it for a test, you will be amazed .. from the results.

I will talk about it, on my next article.


Stay awake with me, and lets begin


Many people are prepetually

On the verge of a nervous breakdoun..

at some crutical moment you collapse frome psychic exhaustion, whem you most in a goog health.


When ill temper control us, we are no longer able to control ourselves.

a moment of anger create a situation which will require years to fix it.

lets state our case quitly and simply.

to be anger is like to admit that we have lost the power to control ourselves.


We must face the facts that we are stronger then the problems and we can solve it intelligently, or the problem is stronger then we are, and the only solution is to increase our own strength on other

