From My Heart and Lens: Poem and Picture by BalladBelle.

Gallop of Freedom

Ballad Belle


There’s something truly magical about horses that has always captivated me, even from a young age. I remember my first encounter with these majestic creatures; their power and grace left an indelible mark on my heart. It’s this enchantment, this deep-seated admiration for their untamed spirit, that inspired me to pen this poem.

As a young woman who often seeks refuge in the beauty of words and the natural world, I’ve always felt a kinship with the wild and free essence of horses. They embody a sense of freedom that many of us yearn for in our structured lives. Their fierce independence and strength resonate deeply with my own journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

In this poem, I invite you to escape into a world where shadows dance in fields of green, and horses roam with a wild, unbridled passion. It’s a world where the mundane slips away, leaving only the raw and emotional beauty of nature and its creatures. This poem is not just a tribute to the majestic horse but also a reflection of our own desires for freedom, adventure, and the unspoken dreams that gallop within our hearts.

The emotional, heartwarming, and yes, even cheesy and goofy tones of this poem are intentional. They are a celebration of the joy and whimsy that these magnificent animals bring into our lives. Through the verses, you’ll embark on a journey alongside this noble creature, experiencing the exhilarating sense of liberation that comes from galloping across open plains and exploring uncharted territories.

So, as you read, let yourself be transported to those wide-open fields. Feel the wind in your hair and the pulsating rhythm of hooves against the ground. Let this poem be a reminder of the wild, untamed beauty that exists both around us and within us. In the gallop of the horse, we find a mirror to our own souls — fierce, bold, and eternally free.

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Ballad Belle

Passionate poet, weaving words into artful tapestries, capturing emotions and stories in rhythmic verses. Embarking on a journey of heartfelt expression.