Bearss Lime

I liked letting mine go full yellow and drop off the tree. They were so sweet that way.


If I leave mine too long, they get dried out

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This was an in ground tree on semi dwarf rootstock. It also got my laundry greywater which helped a lot. Pots are a whole different animal which I might have to learn now that I’m in zone 7


Sometimes I’m surprised I get fruit from the potted trees at all


This afternoon Simeon and I “hemmed the skirt” on our Bearss Lime. This practice is largely for pest and disease control. It keeps the area under the tree from becoming a shelter for wild animals and it also deters diseases and insects from ascending into the plant. :slight_smile:


what did it look like before?

Under the weight of fruit, outer branches had extended down onto the stone perimeter and a few branches about halfway up were extended horizontally past the perimeter.

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It’s a fruitful tree

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O the aroma!


I have mine in a pot. I’m not sure if it would have survived a really cold night in the ground here. But with the move, I plan to sell it.


Mine is in a pot, hope to have fruit again from it this year. Lots of set so far.

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Where are you moving?

To a rental for now. Then keep hunting for a good house nearby in Almaden.

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I’m pretty sure it would survive. I have one inground here in Livermore. And we tend to get colder than you guys in winter.


i have no idea what kind of lime tree i have, but the buds are beginning to balloon. removing the palm tree a few feet to the south has brought much more sunlight to the tree, so i hope to get more than three limes this year.

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Winter harvest, with quarter for size :slight_smile:


I have one bearss lime tree that gives me the occasional lime, but it tends to grow straight up. There is a pecan tree blocking a lot of sun from it. Guess which tree is coming down…Pecan. Richard, your limes look great, so does your tree. I could only hope for that big of a harvest.


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… and there’s still a lot of ripe fruit on the tree :slight_smile:

To the left is our pomegranate and to the right a Eureka Lemon.


My Mexican Limes are also coming in fast and furious. Too many to keep up with (even after making Lime squares lol). My wife has started to take them to work to give to friends.

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