Original Post
All that I want is something rly cool. Head must looks amazing with this beanie:

That's all. Waiting your offers.
Paying with TC or may be items (what would you prefer)
Here is my try


[insert name here] [insert name here] [insert name here]
Thank you guys! Your works are pretty nice.

Dengue, your work is so amzing and i think it should worth alot. I asked for something really simple but cool. I liked everything except black line under face. If you can remove it we can talk about price...

RickTick, i like your work. it's pretty simple but still nice-looking. But it's toooooo simple. I can make something like this for just 5mins. thank you for entering anyway.

Miku-chan, it's nice head but not what i really looking for. I don't like style of drawing. Sorry. May be you can make something in vector style? I liked your vector-stylish sets and heads very much. Try again please

Crack, your work is very cheap... Sorry